domingo, 8 de mayo de 2016



 It is difficult for me to give you definite weights or quantities for this recipe; please forgive me.
Lots of red, ripe tomatoes Cucumber (with the part that attaches it to the plant removed: it is bitter) Anaheim peppers (or any green pepper which is not sweet)Old, hard bread (my favourite for gazpacho is extra sour dough, but others will do too)

 Red vinegar
 Olive oil

 There might be as many recipes of gazpacho as families are in Spain.  This is the one i have learned at my house.  There is nothing "gospelly" about it.  
 As a rule, you want more tomatoes in the gazpacho than anything else.  A nice looking gazpacho should have a pretty orange-red colour. Therefore, add the ingredients according to this principle.  First, cut the vegetables in pieces that your blender can manage.  You do not need to peel the cucumber or the tomatoes or remove the seeds from
anything (at least i never do).
 Cut some bread and soak it in water.
 Add it to the blender.  Add the olive oil, salt, vinegar and water.
 Turn the power on until everything blends "homogeneously".  Take a spoonful and taste it.  At this point you can decide what is missing, what is in excess, etc.  You can experiment with the recipe:  some people like the gazpacho very thick, so they add a lot of bread, while some others like it very liquidy, and they add more water instead, or less bread, whatever.
  Some people get crazy adding garlic, while some
others hate it.
  I prefer gazpacho at room temperature.  However, as it is a typical summer dish, it is usually served cold.  In some places this is so true that they even throw ice cubes in it when ready to eat.  
  As with many other dishes, when you save gazpacho from one
day to the other, it tends to improve in flavor.


< Aportado por: Christine Corrado-Knutson>

Hace unas semanas alguien pidió una receta para gazpacho.  No me acuerdo si ya ha salido una receta, así que os ofrezco ésta.

Ingredientes:    8 tomates rojos
                 2 pepinos pequennos
                 1 rebanada de pan
                 2 dientes de ajo
                 2 pimiento
                 cuarto litro de aceite

  Triturar en la batidora los pimientos--sin semillas y partidos   por la mitad--los tomates, los pepinos pelados, los ajos, el pan, y el aceite, con un chorrito de vinagre, un poco de agua y sal.

  Cuando esté muy bien batido, vertir todo en la fuente en la que vaya a ser servido y agregar agua hasta que adquiera la consistencia de una crema ligera.  Servir muy frío.

En cuanto a las cantidades de los ingredientes, no hay que ser muy exactos con ellos.  Además, hay un montón de modos de preparar el gazpacho según el gusto de cada cocinero, pero esta receta es bastante básica y fácil.

        ¡Buen provecho!

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